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Victors Home Solutions in Canton, MI

5002 Dewitt Canton, MI 48188Map(734) 442 2345
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Victors Home Solutions in Canton, MI

Offers for Home Improvement and Roofing & Insulation



Our work crews know each other well. We are friends, not just co-workers. To see us in action is kind of like watching worker ants that each know their function and carry it out with precision and speed. Most roofing projects are completed inside of a day. You’ve no doubt seen roofs take much longer. Our rates are attractive because of the efficiency too.


Your usual perception of a roofing project is the gaudy roll-off container that gets dropped off and who knows how long it will remain on your property, or what might get damaged by it or the delivery truck. Except for a new roof and a yard sign with us, it’s very difficult to tell that a roofing company was on your property.


Communication is essential and we pride ourselves on always being accessible when you need us. From your first call to your project completion, we will be with you every step of the process.


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