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Solos Pizza Cafe in Plymouth, MN banner
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Solos Pizza Cafe in Plymouth, MN

2700 Annapolis Circle N. Plymouth, MN 55441Map(763) 331-0233
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Solos Pizza Cafe in Plymouth, MN

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Everyone Is An Individual.

Fresh & Natural...It's What Makes Us Better.

We're committed to more organic choices and a growing selection of natural ingredients that are free of preservatives, nitrates, MSG, and other additives. Because we believe what's not in our food is just as important as what is.


Our first SOLOS Pizza opened in February of 2007 in Maple Grove, MN. Our goal was to be a fast, customer driven, quality pizza experience. We began with a "take and bake" concept, but realized we wanted to be something more unique. After testing many recipes, new items and listening to customer feedback we were able to come up with our personal pizza concept.

Individualized Pizza for Everyone

Creating a personalized pizza for everyone is not just our goal, it is a must! Our customers of all kinds choose their desired sauce and toppings. We do not pre-make any of our pizzas. They are all made from scratch after being ordered (even the dough) which is rolled and hand-shaped for all to watch.

  • 25 Ingredients
  • 6 Sauces
  • Personalized 1-inch Pizza
  • 3 Minutes to Bake
Sunday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Monday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Tuesday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Wednesday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Thursday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Friday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Saturday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
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