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Pet Butler in Livonia, MI

15399 Merriman Rd Livonia, MI 48154Map(734) 470-3105
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Pet Butler in Livonia, MI

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Pet Butler has been actively providing pet waste cleanup and removal since 1988! Our professional service is ideal for singles, families, businesses, parks, and more. Pet Butler lives to serve fellow pet-lovers who understand that our four-legged family members not only need healthy food, regular grooming, but a safe yard to live in.

When you partner with Pet Butler, you and your pet(s) will experience convenience and security knowing that your yard is perfectly safe to enjoy. Pet Butler instantly gives back the time that you used to spend cleaning your yard and now can spend playing with your four-legged family members.

Pet Butler cleanup is done by a thorough professional, who genuinely cares for you and your pet(s). A partnership with Pet Butler will allow you to come home to a safe, clean yard time and again!

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