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Perkins Restaurant & Bakery in Osseso, MN banner
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Perkins Restaurant & Bakery in Osseso, MN

8585 Aspen Lane N. Osseo, MN 55445Map(763) 493-4444
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Perkins Restaurant & Bakery in Osseo, MN

Coupons to save on Food & Dining and Casual Dining



Perkins began as a pancake house in Ohio. We are famous for our breakfast, but have expanded and taken a similar approach to lunch and dinner. If you enjoy our breakfast, you will love all of our food! We offer all of our guests personalized service and high-quality food at a great price. Our menu includes a variety of meals to appeal to all tastes.

"In a world filled with "no," Perkins is a "yes." We're committed to doing what it takes to make your visit a terrific one."

Our Signature Menu Items Include:

  • Famous Pancakes
  • Awesome Omelettes
  • Mammoth Muffins®
  • Salads
  • Mile-High Melt Sandwiches
  • Traditional Dinner Entrees

Order breakfast food at any time of the day!

Kids Eat FREE*
Tuesdays and Saturdays 4–9pm

*One kid's meal per adult entree purchased. Kids 12 years and younger.

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