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LPL Financial in Plymouth, MI

40400 Ann Arbor Road Plymouth, MI 48170Map(734) 453-7304
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LPL Financial Bob Carris in Plymouth, MI

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The enormous amount of information available to today's investor means the big picture can be a bit overwhelming. We can help you sort through the clutter, bring your investment goals into focus and design a portfolio to help address them.

Our financial advice is based upon helping you create an investment portfolio to help work toward your goals, whether it's saving for retirement, a college education or buying a home. We stay focused on the one thing that matters most – finding well-managed investments, one at a time, through intensive financial analysis and hands-on research.

Services Available from Bob Carris at LPL Financial:

I ask that you contact my office with any questions about your financial future or concerns about your existing accounts, and I thank you for your trust.

 While developing a customized financial program, I will walk you through a step-by-step process that will help make you feel confident in your decisions.

Once your goals have been established, I will customize appropriate strategies to suit your vision and objectives. I can help you execute a comprehensive financial program utilizing the following products and services:

  • Retirement planning - to design an investment strategy to help you pursue all of your retirement goals
  • Estate planning - for seeking to preserve wealth from generation to generation
  • Long-term care - to ensure that you and your heirs are well cared-for
  • Strategic Asset Management (SAM) - providing you with fee-based asset management through LPL Financial, a Registered Investment Adviser. Access to mutual funds, as well as individual stocks and bonds.
  • Variable and fixed annuities
  • Life insurance - providing financial protection for your loved ones

Detroit 5 Star Wealth Manager in Detroit Hour Magazine and Detroit DBusiness Magazine for 2010-2016


Bob Carris at LPL Financial is a Proud Member of the Livonia Chamber of Commerce.

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