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Junk Masters in Eden Prairie, MN

7402 Washington Ave S Eden Prairie, MN 55344Map(952) 260 1361
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Junk Masters in Eden Prairie, MN

Coupons to save on Home Improvement and Trash Removal

Junk Masters is a locally owned and operated junk removal, dumpster rental, and demolition business serving residential and commercial clients in the Twin Cities metro area. We know all about junk removal! 

Our Vision

To build more resource-efficient communities in which all recyclable waste is diverted from landfills. We do this by working with local recycling companies.

Our Mission

To improve the Twin Cities waste management system in a way that promotes local economic growth, social development, and environmental protection.

Our Strategy

To streamline the waste collection, sorting, and disposal processes and expand our network of local end-use markets. We call this Smart Removal & Recycling.

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