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IHOP in Muskegon, MI banner
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IHOP in Muskegon, MI

5220 Harvey Street Muskegon, MI 49444Map(231) 903-6317
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IHOP in Muskegon, MI

Coupons to save on Food & Dining and Breakfast


Everything You Love About Breakfast

Since 1958, IHOP® has been the place where people connect over breakfast, enjoy study breaks, grab a bite before or after sporting events, and so much more. And no matter what menu items they order, there’s one ingredient that’s always constant — a smile. We’ve seen millions of smiles over the years in our restaurants, and now shared in photos across our social properties. In fact, smiles are so much a part of our culture that we changed our logo to include one.

This is just one of the many fun and exciting changes you can expect from IHOP®. Because we know the shortest distance between two people is a smile.

IHOP features moderately priced, high-quality food and beverage items, and table service in an attractive and comfortable atmosphere.

Best known for our signature pancakes, omelettes and other breakfast specialties, which are served throughout the day and evening hours—loved by guests of all ages!

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