Hibachi Grill & Asian Buffet in Elk Grove Village, IL banner
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Hibachi Grill & Asian Buffet in Elk Grove Village, IL banner
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Hibachi Grill & Asian Buffet in Elk Grove Village, IL

101 Busse Road Elk Grove Village, IL 60007Map(847) 593-6633
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Hibachi Grill & Asian Buffet in Elk Grove, IL

Coupons to save on Food & Dining and Japanese


Save big on your buffet and hibachi grill experience with awesome food coupons and discounts to Hibachi Grill & Asian Buffet in Elk Grove, IL. Enjoy delicious stir-fry's with fresh peppers, seasonings and rice as well and excellently prepared sushi rolls that you can eat 'til your heart's content! Enjoy a variety of buffet options for much less than you would normally spend.

Sunday: 11:00AM - 09:30PM
Monday: 11:00AM - 09:30PM
Tuesday: 11:00AM - 09:30PM
Wednesday: 11:00AM - 09:30PM
Thursday: 11:00AM - 09:30PM
Friday: 11:00AM - 10:00PM
Saturday: 11:00AM - 10:00PM
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