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Gamble Plumbing & Drain Cleaning

4435 Vernor Highway Detroit, MI 48209Map(313) 554-0065
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Gamble Plumbing & Drain Cleaning in Detroit, MI

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Why Hire Us?

Hiring a plumbing company with the proper licensing, permits and insurance is very important because plumbers are responsible for repairing and installing important parts of your home or business.  At Gamble Plumbing & Drain Cleaning, we clearly lay out our certifications to you by providing copies of our insurance policies and certifications. 

Liability Insurance

We carry the following coverage:

  • Commercial General Liability Insurance
  • Worker’s Compensation and Employers’ Liability Insurance


Plumbing Contractor Licenses 

Technicians are registered with the State of Michigan and work under the direction of a Master Plumber. Our Master Plumber also carries a Plumbing Contractor License and Mechanical Contractor License. We pull permits when needed and follow Local and State plumbing codes.


We don’t offer pricing over the phone. Every space is unique and it’s difficult to estimate the cost of a job over the phone. As a result, we offer the following:

  • A free, no-obligation estimate at your location
  • You see and agree to the price prior to starting the work



Our Technicians will show you warranties from our price book on the various services and installations.



Our commitment to you is 100% satisfaction. 

Sunday: 07:30AM - 07:00PM
Monday: 07:30AM - 07:00PM
Tuesday: 07:30AM - 07:00PM
Wednesday: 07:30AM - 07:00PM
Thursday: 07:30AM - 07:00PM
Friday: 07:30AM - 07:00PM
Saturday: 07:30AM - 07:00PM
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