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Fox's Pizza in Orland Park, IL banner
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Fox's Pizza in Orland Park, IL

9655 W. 143rd Street Orland Park, IL 60462Map(708) 349-2111
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Fox's Pizza in Orland Park, IL

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Celebrating 50 years of south side tradition since 1963. Taste the Difference.

Fox's Pizza is know for it's original, outstanding, thin crust pizza. It is a family owned restaurant in its second generation. Fox's welcomes all generations as it brings a "wee but 'o the emerald isle to the Chicago suburbs, serving great burgers, seafood and pasta". Stop in at Fox's to relax and have other serve you while enjoying live music and drinks. What is there not to love about a casual, comfortable environment? Next time you have a night free, bring some friends and family to one of Fox's restaurants and pubs in the Chicago area. We look forward to serving you!

Sunday: 12:00PM - 09:30PM
Monday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Tuesday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Wednesday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Thursday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Friday: 11:00AM - 10:30PM
Saturday: 11:00AM - 10:30PM
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