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Fernlee Kennels in Royal Oak, MI banner
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Fernlee Kennels in Royal Oak, MI

4507 Fernlee Avenue, 1 Block East of Coolidge & 1 Block South off of 14 Mile Royal Oak, MI 48073Map(248) 549-5182
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Fernlee Kennels in Royal Oak, MI

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Boarding & Grooming for All Breeds of Dogs and Cats

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your pet(s). We have offered quality boarding and professional grooming services to the tri-county area for about 50 years. Our goal is to make each pet’s stay as enjoyable as possible while maintaining a clean and healthy environment for all.

Feel free to inspect our kennels at any time.

We have 110 individual kennels, 74 are heated and 36 are unheated and only used during mild weather. Each kennel has an inside area that is 3’ wide by 4’ long with a platform for the dog to sleep on with an adjoining outdoor cement run that is 3’ wide by 12’ long. You can sleep peacefully knowing that your dog will not be boarded with another dog - each dog has its own individual kennel and run.

In mild weather (60 & up) the dogs have constant access to their runs throughout the day. In cool weather the dogs are kept inside and given access to their runs 5 to 6 times daily.



8:00 am - 12:00 pm
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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