Erbert and Gerbert's Sandwich Shop in Champlin, MN banner
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Erbert and Gerbert's Sandwich Shop in Champlin, MN banner
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Erbert and Gerbert's Sandwich Shop in Champlin, MN

11350 Aquila Drive North Champlin, MN 55316Map(763) 363-8400
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Erbert and Gerbert's Sandwich Shop in Champlin, MN

Offers for Food & Dining and Deli & Sandwich Shops


Welcome to Flavornation!

Erbert & Gerbert’s is a sandwich shop dedicated to serving better, more flavorful sandwiches than anyone else in the universe. We started 20-some years ago in the fine, fine town of Eau Claire, WI, and have since grown to over 80 locations spanning the globe — or at least the United States.

You might notice a unique language in the Erbert & Gerbert’s world — sandwiches with names like Narmer, Bornk, and Girf, and an obsession with the idea of Flavornation. What’s that all about? Well, to us, flavor is about more than just sandwiches. It’s about life. Bring us your tired, your hungry, your bored, and we’ll give them flavor. If it doesn’t just fill their bellies but also puts a smile on their face, well, that’s exactly the way we like to do it.

Sunday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
Monday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
Tuesday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
Wednesday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
Thursday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
Friday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
Saturday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
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