Dakotah Sport And Fitness in Prior Lake, MN banner
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Dakotah Sport And Fitness in Prior Lake, MN banner
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Dakotah Sport And Fitness in Prior Lake, MN

2100 Trail of Dreams Prior Lake, MN 55372Map(952) 445-9400
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Dakotah Sport And Fitness in Prior Lake, MN

Offers for Health & Beauty and Health Clubs, Fitness & Gyms


Dakotah! Sport and Fitness has been the premier fitness destination for Prior Lake and surrounding areas since 1994. We’re a full-service fitness club, featuring an aquatic center, cardio room, gymnasium, ice center, running/walking track, strength training area, and bowling. Personal training sessions and fitness classes are also available. Come relax in our new Dakotah! Salon, with deluxe HydroMassage beds, after your workout.

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