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Creative Wonders in Inver Grove Hts., MN

5985 Carmen Avenue Inver Grove Hts., MN 55076Map(651) 340-8270
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Creative Wonders in Inver Grove Hts., MN

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Eco Friendly Child Care Center

Creative Wonders Childcare incorporates the Montesorri teachings of practical life skills! We offer an upper-end, eco-healthy child care facility for ages 6 weeks to the first day of kindergarten. Our hours are a bit wider in range to accommodate working parents. Our hours are 7am – 7pm, Monday through Friday – with observance of all major legal holidays. Early drop-off service will be offered as needed. We offer a Friday “parent’s night out” once a month.

We are dedicated to providing high-quality early childhood education to all children and will ensure supervisor of the children at all times. We provide age-appropriate rooms, toys and equipment and a devoted staff of licensed teachers ensure that children get the positive learning experiences they need to grow up confident.

What sets us apart from the others? Creative Wonders Childcare wants to be more than just a place your children play at while you are at work. It’s a place we want them to call home, and at the same time help them to discover their own personalities and passions.

When going into business this was a question my sister and I asked ourselves a lot. There are so many other daycares out there – what would make us any different? Through talking about what we envisioned for our center and what we hoped it would mean to parents, we wrote down ideas which started on a post-it note and eventually turned into a notebook. We both have kids and know the value of providing the best care and the best atmosphere for the children. Our first decision was that we wanted to be eco-friendly, healthy and incorporate the Montessori teachings of practical life skills. To achieve eco-friendly certification we accomplished the following:

  • We painted with paint containing no VOC
  • We installed carpet that is Class-A fire resistant, Green Label Plus and can meet LEED green building standards
  • We used shelving made from recycled or eco-healthy materials, no harmful chemicals
  • We chose non-toxic cleaning products (there is bleach that we have to use do to licensing requirments on the changing tables)
  • We selected non-toxic art supplies

We are registered as eco-healthy through the Children’s Environmental Health Network, but we knew the environment alone was not enough. So we created gardens for the children to grow their own fruits and vegetables and made the decision to provide organic meals. An easy decision because organic foods have shown in study after study to be better for not only the body but the mind. All of these factors combined helped us reach our goals of providing hands on learning experiences where children can thrive and develop a love for learning while eating the best foods possible.

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