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Cousin's Tasty Chicken in Grand Rapids, MI banner
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Cousin's Tasty Chicken in Grand Rapids, MI

1209 Leonard Street NE, Next to Family Fare Grand Rapids, MI 49505Map(616) 456-5244
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Cousin's Tasty Chicken in Grand Rapids, MI

Coupons to save on Food & Dining and Chicken, Fish & Seafood


Let Cousin's Tasty Chicken Cater Your Next Party or Meeting!

Cousin's Tasty Chicken has been serving the Grand Rapids community for over 30 years! We offer a variety of foods from fried chicken to broasted chicken, seafood, delicious sides, and all at an affordable price. Cousin's Tasty Chicken also has healthy food choices, and all of our deep fried menu items are cooked in trans-fat free oil. If you are looking for that rare restaurant gem, look no further than Cousin's Tasty Chicken!

Monday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
Tuesday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
Wednesday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
Thursday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
Friday: 10:30AM - 09:30PM
Saturday: 10:30AM - 09:00PM
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