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Castrol Premium Lube Express in Eden Prairie, MN banner
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Castrol Premium Lube Express in Eden Prairie, MN

8824 Aztec Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55347Map(952) 903-5092
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Castrol Premium Lube Express in Eden Prairie, MN

Coupons to save on Automotive and Oil Changes


Dedicated to Keeping You & Your Family on the Road Safely

Stop at Castrol Premium Lube Express for a 15 minute oil change! Here you will also receive a thorough customer education and friendly service. We do not spend any time attempting to sell you on services you do not need. However, when you leave you will be completely informed and confident about any service you received or will receive in the future. From full service oil changes to wiper blade installations, we can handle all of your maintenance needs! We are proud to say we stand behind the work we perform and look forward to your next visit.

Experience & Value!

  • 18 point vehicle performance and safety check
  • Unmatched customer service
  • FREE Green Car Wash with every $30 service
  • Top off all fluids between service visits
Monday: 08:00AM - 07:00PM
Tuesday: 08:00AM - 07:00PM
Wednesday: 08:00AM - 07:00PM
Thursday: 08:00AM - 07:00PM
Friday: 08:00AM - 07:00PM
Saturday: 08:00AM - 06:00PM
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