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Bulldog Ale House in Bolingbrook, IL banner
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Bulldog Ale House in Bolingbrook, IL

157 S. Weber Road, Near Veterans Pkwy. Bolingbrook, IL 60490Map(630) 378-0333
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  2. Media & Gallery
  3. Info & Hours
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Bulldog Ale House in Bolingbrook, IL

Coupons to save on Food & Dining and Bar & Grill


See Our Large Selection of Craft Beers

There is something for everyone at Bulldog Ale House. From our full service bar and grill to our big screen tv's, pool tables, and several video games, get together with friends and family for great night out. Our fantastic staff are dedicated to providing excellent service and meals. We are a family-oriented restaurant that keeps everyone in mind.

We have created a restaurant that appeals to a diverse crowd including sports fans, families and club hoppers. We bring to our customers an upscale atmosphere with a moderately priced menu. We have 32 beers on tap along with a variety of bottles. We also offer many food specials daily!

We look forward to seeing you at Bulldog Ale House in Bolingbrook, IL!

  • Daily Food Specials
  • Pool Tables
  • Big Screen TVs
  • Video Games
  • Full Service Bar
Sunday: 11:00AM - 01:00AM
Monday: 11:00AM - 01:00AM
Tuesday: 11:00AM - 01:00AM
Wednesday: 11:00AM - 01:00AM
Thursday: 11:00AM - 01:00AM
Friday: 11:00AM - 02:00AM
Saturday: 11:00AM - 02:00AM
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