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Brazin Public House in Eden Prairie, MN

6399 City W Pkwy, Eden Prairie, MN 55344Map(952) 600-5192
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Brazin Public House in Eden Prairie, MN

Offers for Food & Dining and Bar & Grill


The name BRAZIN is a play on words and incorporates myself along with my two sons into the name. BR - Braden, AZ - Zach, and IN - Kevin. The name also portrays my personal cooking style preferences with bold, strong flavors, as well as the play on words seen throughout the menu.

A little background about who I am. I became interested in cooking where many chefs did, at home with their parents and/or grandparents. When I was 13, I made a loaf of Challah Bread that I took to the Pierce County Fair. The judges had likened the loaf to rival some of the best bakeries in the area.

I dabbled a little more at home before starting in the hospitality industry as a line cook when I was 16 at what was then Shoney's in Hudson WI roughly 30 years ago. From there I went to Treasure Island Casino, Culinary School at Dakota County Technical College, and to several years in contract management with companies like Taher, Inc., Bon Appetit, Sodexho, Best Inc., and Lancer Hospitality.

I've spent time in restaurants, corporate cafeterias, golf courses and in-flight catering. I also have a degree in Accounting from Metropolitan State University in 2014.

It has been a goal of mine to have my own restaurant for decades. BRAZIN Public House is the culmination of that dream and goal.

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