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Bella Ciao Pasta & Bar Ristorante In Mahtomedi, MN banner
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Bella Ciao Pasta & Bar Ristorante In Mahtomedi, MN

3156 Century Avenue North Mahtomedi, MN 55115Map(651) 797-2314
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Bella Ciao Pasta & Bar Ristorante in Mahtomedi, MN

Offers for Food & Dining


Elevate your next meal by having it at a sophisticated Italian restaurant in Saint Paul, MN. Bella Ciao Pasta and Bar Ristorante is an elegant restaurant serving authentic Italian cuisine every day of the week.

Whether you’re craving seafood or some delicious pasta, you’ve come to the right place. Even if you can’t make it to our full bar and restaurant, you can still order delivery or catering.

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