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Bartlett Park District

700 S. Bartlett Road Bartlett, IL 60103Map(630) 540-4859
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Bartlett Park District in Bartlett, IL

Coupons to save on Recreation & Community Events


Creating Fun Since 1964

The Bartlett Park District was established in 1964. The number of residents served by the Park District is approximately 41,000.

The Bartlett Park District was formed by a successful public referendum vote on January 18, 1964. In 1969 the Village of Bartlett donated the first 13-acre parcel to the Park District, which was part of Sunrise Park. The District now owns 577 acres and leases another 20 acres for the recreational needs of our community. With 43 parks, a community center, two pools, two golf courses, banquet facility, ski hill, athletic field complex, nature center, and more, Bartlett is in the forefront of the Distinguished Accredited Agencies in our state.

Bartlett Park District Offers:

  • Aquatics
  • Fitness
  • Golf
  • Banquets & Parties
  • Rentals
  • Ski & Tubing

Health Club Hours:
M-F 5:30am - 10pm
Sa 7am - 6pm
Su 8am - 6pm

Admin Building Hours:
8:30am - 4:30pm

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