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Apex Appliance Repair in Grand Rapids, MI banner
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Apex Appliance Repair in Grand Rapids, MI

3535 Plainfield NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525Map(616) 363-9894
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Apex Appliance Repair in Grand Rapids, MI

Coupons to save on Home Improvements and Appliance Sales & Service


Trusted by West Michigan Since 1921

Every time we've had an issue, these people have been top-notch at helping us only buy the parts we need, for a pretty competitive price-so far we've yet to find a lower price even online. We appreciate their help!

- Paul Jensen

Welcome to Apex Appliance Repair! We are a family owned and operated business that you can trust. With over four generations of work, we maintain professional and honest services. Our team treats your home as if it was our own. 

Don't waste your money buying all new appliances when all you need is a service fix. If you think your appliance may be broken, don't risk getting rid of it and give us a call. We will come to you and repair your issue within one day. We fix appliances ranging from washers and dryers to dishwashers, disposals, refrigerators, cooktops and ovens.

Service • Repair • Parts

  • 90-day manufacturer's warranty
  • 30-day warranty on service calls and labor
  • Most brands, makes and models
  • Quick response times
  • Hones, dependable service
  • Licensed, bonded, insured

Serving Grand Rapids & surrounding communities including Howard City & Newaygo.

Monday: 08:00AM - 05:00PM
Tuesday: 08:00AM - 05:00PM
Wednesday: 08:00AM - 05:00PM
Thursday: 08:00AM - 05:00PM
Friday: 08:00AM - 05:00PM
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