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AAA Michigan Insurance in Birmingham, MI

34802 Woodward Avenue Birmingham, MI 48009Map(248) 433-8218
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AAA Michigan Insurance Reniseya Threatt Birmingham, MI

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I Am Your Dedicated Ally in Protecting the Things That Matter To You.

AAA was founded over 100 years ago for the purpose of lobbying for driver and passenger rights, fair laws and safer vehicles — all to better promote the love of the open road and the adventure of driving. Since then, AAA has grown to over 50 million members strong, while providing valuable membership services such as roadside assistance. Additionally, AAA has broadened its horizons to include all types of travel-related services, as well as offer a variety of insurance and financial products and services.

Today’s AAA is a national federation comprised of more than 50 individual clubs throughout the United States and Canada. Whether you’re traveling around the world or to the corner grocery store, planning a honeymoon or weekend road trip, learning to drive or in need of a battery boost, the best way to begin your journey is with AAA.

Services Available from Your Local AAA in Birmingham, MI:

  • AAA offers Competitive Life Insurance Rates. We offer Permanent Life Insurance, Term Insurance with Return of Premium, and Fixed Rate Annuities.
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