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Tide Cleaners in Excelsior, MN banner
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Tide Cleaners in Excelsior, MN

426 Lake Street, Formerly Hour Glass Cleaners Excelsior, MN 55331Map(952) 474-5500
  1. About
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  3. Info & Hours
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Tide Cleaners in Excelsior, MN

Offers for Dry Cleaning & Laundry Services


With the recent mandate to close non-essential retail in the state of Minnesota, Tide Cleaners is still open as we are considered an essential business to serve the community. To follow CDC guidance to minimize person-to-person contact, please use our:

24/7 Access – Use our drop box for drop-off and our 24/7 kiosk for pick-up anytime, day or night.

Carside Valet or Drive Thru – Stay in your car and one of our service representatives will assist you for pick-up, drop-off, and order payment.

We off FREE HOME DELIVERY - please sign up at bit.ly/tidedelivery



Discover the Tide Cleaners difference! Anytime access with our drop-box and 24-hour automated kiosk, complimentary car-side valet, and customer service with a smile is just the beginning. We proudly use GreenEarth® Cleaning for a gentle, non-toxic and environmentally-friendly clean that keeps your clothes looking newer, longer. Special services to keep your colors fresh and vibrant, free minor repairs done on-site, and a 7-point quality inspection on every garment are just a few of the little things we do to make a big difference. Come see for yourself!

  • Car-side Valet
  • 24-Hour Kiosk
  • Same-Day Service
  • Free Minor Repairs
  • Minor Alterations
  • Wedding Dress Cleaning & Preservation
  • Leather Cleaning & Conditioning
  • Tide Color Guard™
  • Tide Restore™
  • Back-To-Black™
  • Proudly Using GreenEarth® Cleaning
Monday: 09:00AM - 05:00PM
Tuesday: 09:00AM - 05:00PM
Wednesday: 09:00AM - 05:00PM
Thursday: 09:00AM - 05:00PM
Friday: 09:00AM - 05:00PM
Saturday: 09:00AM - 03:00PM
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