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Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club in Prior Lake, MN banner
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Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club in Prior Lake, MN

2920 E. 220th Street Prior Lake, MN 55372Map(952) 447-2272
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Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club in Prior Lake, MN

Coupons to save on Food and Dining and Bar & Grill


Welcome to Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club! In 1986, we were one of the first place in the U.S. to offer the game of sporting clays. Now, we have five different sporting clay courses that are world class! We throw millions of targets every single year. Our club is more than just 600 acres of clay targets and hunting. We have expanded and now offer weddings & banquets, dinner & drinks and pointers & horses. We also have handgun and rifle shooting facilities available. Before going on on your annual hunting trip, give it a warm-up here at Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club.

Visit our website for more specific information on all of our services or to view our different membership offers. Feel free to call us with any questions you may have. We hope to hear from you soon!

Sunday: 08:00AM - 11:00PM
Monday: 08:00AM - 11:00PM
Tuesday: 08:00AM - 11:00PM
Wednesday: 08:00AM - 11:00PM
Thursday: 08:00AM - 11:00PM
Friday: 08:00AM - 11:00PM
Saturday: 08:00AM - 11:00PM
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