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USA Karate in Maple Grove, MN banner
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USA Karate in Maple Grove, MN

7498 E. Fish Lake Road Maple Grove, MN 55311Map(763) 420-8333
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  3. Info & Hours
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USA Karate in Maple Grove, MN

Offers for Karate & Martial Arts


The Powerful Alternative

USA Karate Martial Arts Academy is dedicated to helping individuals develop a healthy mind and body. Whether your interest is self-defense, coordination, flexibility, greater confidence, physical conditioning, stress reduction or sport, USA Karate in Maple Grove, MN is the powerful alternative that will give you results.

While delivering security through quality, comprehensive, and professional karate instruction, USA Karate's strength is its gradual and consistent improvement in your level of physical conditioning. USA Karate in Maple Grove, MN will deliver results you can feel.

Master Instructor:

  • John Lysaght, 5th Degree Black Belt

Assistant Instructors:

  • Dominick Tuff, 4th Degree Black Belt
  • Savannah Robertson, 2nd Degree Black Belt
Monday: 04:30PM - 09:00PM
Tuesday: 04:30PM - 09:00PM
Wednesday: 04:30PM - 09:00PM
Thursday: 04:30PM - 09:00PM
Friday: 04:30PM - 07:30PM
Saturday: 09:30AM - 01:30PM
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