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Holloway's Isshin Ryu Karate School in Waterford Twp., MI banner
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Holloway's Isshin Ryu Karate School in Waterford Twp., MI

3833 Elizabeth Lake Road Waterford Twp., MI 48328Map(248) 505-4698
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Holloway's Isshin Ryu Karate School in Waterford, MI

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Traditional Isshin Ryu in Waterford, Michigan

Holloway's Isshin Ryu Karate School has been serving the community since 1981 and is committed to excellence in karate. Our school is dedicated to teaching traditional Isshin-ryu karate as passed down from its founder, Shimabuku Tatsuo.

Daniel Holloway has been studying Isshin-ryu karate since 1968. He currently holds the rank of 9th dan, and is the Vice President of the United Isshin Ryu Karate Association. Sensei Holloway was also inducted into the Isshin-ryu Hall of Fame in 2008. He started his training under Sensei Norbert Donnelly, and has studied with two of Shimabuku's first-generation students: the late Sherman Harrill and Harold Mitchum. Sensei Mitchum was Master Shimabuku's number one American student, and spent more time with Master Shimabuku as a Hachi Dan than any other American.


Holloway's Isshin Ryu Karate School is a Proud Member of the Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce.

Monday: 04:00PM - 09:00PM
Thursday: 04:00PM - 08:30PM
Saturday: 09:00AM - 01:00PM
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