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Jose Lake Store & Resort in South Branch, MI banner
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Jose Lake Store & Resort in South Branch, MI

7065 Jose Lake Road South Branch, MI 48761Map(989) 257-1500
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Jose Lake Store & Resort in South Branch, MI

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Your Up North Getaway

Located in the heart of the Huron National Forest the almost 2-acre resort features over 200 feet of frontage on a beautiful 129-acre all sports lake making it your perfect up north getaway!

Stay in one of our cozy cabins and enjoy all that nature has to offer. From early morning fishing to late night campfires there is always something to keep you busy. Play a game of volleyball or horseshoes, take a walk in the woods, kayak around the lake, have an afternoon barbecue, or simply relax beach side.

Jose Lake Store and Resort has a long history in the area and holds great memories for many people. Our mission is to share what a wonderful place it is with as many people as we can. We understand that our customer's time is valuable and money is hard earned. Our goal is to provide quality items in our store and amazing stays at our resort for affordable prices. After all, we're not here for a long time; we're here for a good time!

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Jose Lake Store & Resort is a Proud Member of the Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce.

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