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Bryan's HOPE in Waterford, MI

1150 Scott Lake Road, Covert Campus Waterford, MI 48328Map(248) 410-4163
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Bryan's HOPE in Waterford, MI

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Bryan’s HOPE (Heroin Opiate Prevention Education) is a nationally recognized grass-roots, nonprofit public charity organization founded in 2013 by a concerned group of citizens. We  came together to create and provide much needed support, awareness and education about the danger of prescription drug abuse in the battle against Opiate and Heroin Addiction. We have obtained 501(c)(3) Tax-exempt status. Federal IRS ID # 46-46-4490818.

To date, our funding has been provided by private and business donations as well as local fundraising efforts. (exception of Kaleo). All funding received is used to maintain our organization; professional fees, educational materials, advertising, printing, program presentation materials and expenses, marketing items and any other fees associated with continuing the efforts of the group.

The group is named after my 2nd born son who lost his battle to addiction. I could not let his death be in vein. It didn’t have to end this way.

12/22/1985 – 01/27/12

During our 2nd year (2015)   Probably one of our greatest accomplishments this year was the ability to provide Opioid Overdose Recognition and Response training and Naloxone kits all over southeast Michigan. Thanks to a very generous grant we received from Kaleo the makers of the Envzio Naloxone Auto Injectors. We were able to donate many of the kits to local law enforcement agencies, prompting them to get on board). Through out the year we have been able to place over 250 kits in the hands of families and friends. 4 of those kits were used for successful overdose reversals by family members and 1 kit was used to reverse and opioid overdose at a half-way house where we trained and placed kits – If you are counting, that is 6 Lives we have saved in 2015!

Also our group once again was able to attend the FED UP rally in Washington DC where it was combined with the Unite to Face Addiction Campaign for an even bigger impact.

We also were blessed with the space to provide peer-lead support groups for those in Substance Use Recovery and their families at First Presbyterian Church 99 Wayne Street, Pontiac, MI.

Lastly, No way can we not mention how grateful we are to have an office now! We are thrilled to be leasing space in the Covert Center 1150 Scott Lake Road Waterford 48328.

So many awesome things have happened for our cause this past year we stand in awe! Eagerly awaiting the bounty for 2016!

Bryan’s HOPE has always been eager to be part of the solution that reduces and possibly helps eliminates the heroin epidemic. We provide informed, educated and supportive resource services and information at each of our meetings and events. We have been blessed to work with some wonderful volunteers who give heart and sole.  We look forward to another year of teaming together to run this deadly drug/disease out of our town and restore our families.

However it is going to take a lot more than a bunch of mom’s running around crying fowl! Sadly, until it takes someone you love, people really don’t care. If nothing changes, nothing changes. Be part of the change you want to see.

We need ALL sectors of our community and society to recognize and provide awareness, education and support services–not just parents but  Schools, Community Function groups, Churches, Employers, Politicians, Police, Community and State Mental Health authorities, Local Government, State Government and Federal Government, just to mention a few.

The “secret” lives of those addicted to heroin are NOT so much a secret any more. Everybody knows somebody who is using it, struggling to recover from it or has died from it. One of our main goals is to REMOVE THE DARK< SECRETIVE & NEGATIVE STIGMA that surrounds the perception of Drug Addict. I shared my story in hopes others would share theirs. You can’t fight what you can’t see. Removing the guilt, shame and feeling of hopelessness that is created by addiction must change. Keeping quiet is NO longer an option; this only feeds the problem.

Too often we find this subject to be taboo or forbidden from discussion. If you are an addict, you will go to great lengths to keep it a secret. If you are a family member or loved one of an addict, usually, we hide it. This mentality or way of thinking is adding to the problem. Continue to speak up! and out!

We are growing in leaps and bounds. Daily we are adding new members to our social sites, because more and more people are affected and not ashamed! The dialogue is STARTED Let’s KEEP IT GOING... 2016 the year to do this!


Bryan's HOPE is a Proud Member of the Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce.

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