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Connections Business Services in Waterford, MI

2846 Silver Hill Drive Waterford, MI 48329Map(248) 766-3962
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Connections Business Services in Waterford, MI

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Connections Business Services is Your Source for Affordable Managed Marketing Solutions

Take Control of Your Business

If you're like most business owners, you spend too much time working in the business instead of on the business. This is where Connections Business Services can help. Let us do the research, fact-finding and make recommendations to you. You decide on what you want us to do and we'll either deploy the plan for you or hold you accountable for doing it yourself! 

Discover Your Greatest Life

Systems make every business run more smoothly. By having processes in place and educating your team on how every facet of the business is done, you are left with the peace of mind that the business will run successfully if you should decide to take a vacation or head abroad to court more business!

Connections Business Services is here to help you build your greatest business and to discover your greatest life!

Marketing Services from Connections Business Services

You know your business/industry best. I know marketing and business development. Pairing the two seems like a no-brainer.

With years of marketing experience under our belts, Connections Business Services offers a fresh perspective to your company and its marketing objectives. We offer honest opinions on the best way to reach your sales goals from your marketing efforts.

  • Marketing Project Management
  • Strategic Maketing Plans
  • Business Development Analysis & Process Improvement
  • Market Research
  • Plan Development
  • Graphic Design


"Our library has benefitted from Lisa Rochford’s expertise and experience as a marketing consultant. We had a very successful initial campaign, Geek the Library, and our staff learned a lot about incorporating marketing techniques into our daily processes for providing library services to our community. Most beneficial has been the a shift to greater outreach in our approach and the  development of connections with businesses and other community organizations, to our mutual benefit." - Joan M. Rogers, MSLS, Library Director, Waterford MI 48329

"Lisa has taken a huge load off my back by managing my marketing efforts. Plus, her no-nonsense approach to my own accountability has helped me see greater profits." - Rebecca Booth, Marketing Goddess


Connections Business Services is a Proud Member of the Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce.

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