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Chela Yoga LLC in Waterford, MI banner
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Chela Yoga LLC in Waterford, MI

7631 Highland Road Waterford, MI 48327Map(248) 860-6681
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Chela Yoga LLC in Waterford, MI

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Our goal at Chela Yoga is to create a warm, comfortable environment for all, where one is free to explore life without judgement or ego. We are a small dedicated group of instructors and healer focused on our clientele, who practice regularly in studio not only to stay connect inward but to also stay connected to our community. We can honestly say we love what we do, and live it. We are well educated in our crafts and take pride in our ability to adapt to the needs of each student. We are proud to say we are an all inclusive studio, where everyBODY regardless of age, shape, size, are welcomed and encouraged. Where healing the whole body is the objective. Here at Chela yoga we are all students, pupils and gurus, forever growing and uniting. We look forward to sharing our practice with you. Namaste.


Chela Yoga LLC is a Proud Member of the Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce.

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