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Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce banner
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Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce

2309 Airport Road Waterford, MI 48327Map(248) 666-8600
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Waterford Area Chamber of Commerce


Think Global. Act Local!

Our chamber in Waterford, MI is a private, membership organization that consists of about 600 businesses, educational institutions, professionals and civic organizations. We first started our chamber back in 1998 with a mission to "provide leadership that facilitates the creation of a prosperous local economy and effective advocacy for its members".

Through education, technology, economic development, retention, business attraction, expansion and more, we are able to support a variety of businesses and initiatives. We also provide opportunities for leaders to grow in their business and support the community. As a member, you will have the opportunity to advance in leadership and competition as well as connect with other businesses and leaders. We strive to create success and growth in your business regardless of the size of type of industry.

Join the Waterford Area Chamber today!

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