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Focal Point Coaching & Training

9885 Reese Road Clarkston, MI 48348Map(248) 885-1358
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Focal Point Coaching & Training in Clarkston, MI

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Helping You Achieve Your Goals

I've coached and trained countless professionals and business owners just like you over the years to clarify their goals, make their plans, execute and adapt, all in a quest to achieve the goals & dreams they only ever hoped might be possible someday.

I have a passion for assisting business leaders and owners achieve their full potential and is dedicated to enhancing the growth of businesses. I've developed a proven track record of success in product and process development, management, productivity enhancements, and strategic business planning, having delivered outstanding results throughout his career. As your business coach, I will assist you to grow and manage your business. I will work with you to develop plans in key areas to achieve success, such as leadership, management, delegation, sales, marketing, productivity, growth, decision making and execution. I have successfully managed and coached teams both professionally and during his personal time. In addition, throughout my career I've been guided by very powerful mentors to help him accelerate his performance.

As your business coach, I have a wide range of solid business skills that I will draw upon to assist you in building a road map to higher levels of achievement. These include:

  • Coaching: One-on-One and/or Group
  • Training: Sales, Productivity, Leadership
  • Assessments: Behavioral (Individual/Team), Financial
  • Workshops: Behavioral, Financial, Leadership, Communication, Time Management

I chose to become a FocalPoint Business Coach because being a coach allows me to truly make a positive impact in your business utilizing Brian Tracy’s proven strategies, tactics and methodologies. Content for the FocalPoint coaching program was developed by Brian Tracy, a recognized leader in helping people find more time, build better teams, and generate more profit. Partnering my passion with the expertise of Brian Tracy’s tested and proven concepts will provide outstanding value to his clients. I firmly believes that in order to make things Better, we do it Together, and we start making that impact Today.

If you are interested in accelerating performance and unlocking the doors of success, contact me to explore a partnership that guides you to do just that.

Focal Point Coaching & Training is a Proud Member of the Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce.

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