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Team Angie Fitness Bootcamp in Farmington Hills, MI banner
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Team Angie Fitness Bootcamp in Farmington Hills, MI

37712 Hills Tech Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48331Map(248) 722-0829
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Team Angie Fitness Bootcamp in Farmington Hills, MI

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Be Your Best You

The Team Angie Fitness Concept is Be Your Best YOU! When asked their fitness goals, most members would say, I want to lose a certain amount of weight and then they would pick someone else they wanted to look like. This frustrates Angie, which why she created the “be Your Best YOU “ concept. “The fact is that you are not the people you desire to look like, you are …..a beautiful, unique individual who should embrace what God has given you and focus on your health and fitness first, then, in terms of your body image, just continue to remain disciplined with your food choices, work hard in class and I promise you will forget all about the person you desired to look like, because when you reach your goals, that person will finally be YOU!”

Team Angie's Fitness Options

Angie offers 3 options to help the team get into the best shape of their lives: Team Angie Fitness Boot Camp, personal training at the gym, in your home or on location and Zumba classes, also on location if preferred.

Angie’s Team Angie Boot Camp is comprised motivation and positive encouragement, intervals of muscle confusion moves, cardio, circuit strength training, plyo moves, kick boxing, jump roping, fun obstacle courses, nutrition and healthy lifestyle guidance and of course an awesome stretch routine completed before and after the workout.

Angie’s team is diverse with both genders, all ages at all levels of fitness. “Take it at your own pace……just keep moving! If it doesn’t challenge you, it can’t change you!” are her favorite lines to her team. The benefits Team Angie members receive go far beyond the program. It positively changes the lives of the members…… proven results of increased energy and a significant loss of inches in a short period to time. A maintenance program is also offered for members that reach their fitness goals.

Angie’s Boot Camp and Personal Training is tailored to provide maximum results for virtually every audience.

Come on….Join the Team! You know you want to!

Make Your Decision…Commit to your Decision and watch yourself succeed!


Team Angie Fitness Bootcamp is a Proud Member of the Greater Farmington Area Chamber of Commerce.

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