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HealthSource Chiropractic of Farmington

32738 Grand River Avenue Farmington, MI 48336Map(248) 615-1381
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HealthSource Chiropractic of Farmington

Coupons to save on Health & Beauty and Chiropractors


America's Chiropractor

Our team is excited to show you the type of care that will not only get you out of pain, but change your life.

With changing healthcare and lifestyles, it's more important than ever to get yourself out of pain and then start down a journey of true health!

You will quickly find that you have found much more than a chiropractor at HealthSource®!

Your HealthSource office is so much more than Chiropractic. From our Progressive Rehab programs to nutrition and helping you with your sleep, your HealthSource team has a complete array of services to help you lead a healthy, active lifestyle now and for the rest of your life!

Benefits of HealthSource Chiropractic of Farmington:

  • Relief of Aches & Pains
  • Living Well
  • Staying Young
  • Healthy Children
  • Athletic Performance
  • Recovery from Accidents & Injuries
HealthSource Chiropractic is a Proud Member of the Greater Farmington Area Chamber of Commerce.
Monday: 09:30AM - 06:30PM
Tuesday: 02:00PM - 06:30PM
Wednesday: 09:30AM - 06:30PM
Thursday: 02:00PM - 06:30PM
Friday: 09:30AM - 12:00PM
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