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Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce banner
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Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce

5856 S. Main Clarkston Clarkston, MI 48346Map(248) 625-8055
  1. About
  2. Media & Gallery
  3. Info & Hours
  4. Promotions

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Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce


Growing Stronger Every Year

We are a non-profit membership organization that consists of about 600 different businesses. If you are an individual looking to grow your business, consider joining the Clarkston Area Chamber of Commerce! Our chamber is a collaborative and innovative group that aims to enhance business opportunities in the Clarkston area.

Membership Values:

  • Leadership
  • Workforce Development
  • Business Accelerator
  • Economic Development
  • Resources

As a member of our chamber you will receive some of the simplest marketing tools that can help you stay in touch with your customers. Also, you will receive free support and coaching throughout every step in your business.

Shop Local with Our Great Members:

Monday: 09:00AM - 04:00PM
Tuesday: 09:00AM - 04:00PM
Wednesday: 09:00AM - 04:00PM
Thursday: 09:00AM - 04:00PM
Friday: 09:00AM - 04:00PM
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