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Rose's Restaurant & Lounge in Canton, MI banner
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Rose's Restaurant & Lounge in Canton, MI

201 N. Canton Center Road Canton, MI 48187Map(734) 981-9904
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Rose's Restaurant & Lounge in Canton, MI

Coupons to save on Food & Dining and Family Dining


Home of the $4.99 Daily Lunch Specials!

Kids Eat FREE on Mondays!

A long time ago in a little town called San Vittore, between Rome and Naples, Italy, a young boy of 13 named Guido, left with his mother Francesca to come to America to join his father Ernest. Ernest was already settled in Detroit. He worked for Ford Motor Company and then opened a restaurant in Detroit on Alexander and McDougal called Ernesto's. They bought a farm in Canton in 1941 and started using their produce to make their recipes. When Guido was 22, he took a weekend trip to Brooklyn, New York. That is where he met Rose, it was love (amore) at first sight. She became his wife 1 year later in 1948. Rose moved to Canton, lived on the farm and worked at the restaurant. The restaurant was later sold to a church in 1965. It was Guido's dream to have a restaurant just like his father. He bought the land where Rose's now stands in 1952, but passed away in 1988 before his dream was realized. Rose and Guido had three sons Ernest, Chris and Richard. They decided to carry out their Dad's dream. They built the restaurant in 1993 and named it Rose's after their mother. Rose began working here and shared her recipes. The restaurant has many family pictures on the walls, just like at Rose's home. We want you to feel like you are eating at our home. Thank you for dining with the Costantino family and please join us again.

Best Known For...
Homemade recipes, from soups to desserts.

  • Pasta
  • Steak
  • Ribs
  • Veal
  • Chicken
  • Seafood
  • Pizza
  • Burgers
  • Salads
  • & More!

All menu items prepared daily from Mama Rose's Homemade Recipes, everything from appetizers to desserts!

Sunday: 12:00PM - 09:00PM
Monday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Tuesday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Wednesday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Thursday: 11:00AM - 09:00PM
Friday: 11:00AM - 10:00PM
Saturday: 11:00AM - 10:00PM
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